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to the world's first and only independent global community of Media Strategists.

A network that gives media agencies and advertisers unmatched access to a world of strategic brilliance.

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How it works

If you're a Media Strategist, a Media Agency Decision Maker or an Advertiser, then The Strat Farm is the place for you!

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Flex your strategic brilliance
by entering our competition-
based media strategy briefs

and get rewarded financially.

Up for the challenge?
If so, sign up today!

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Media Agencies

Join The Strat Farm and gain
access to a global network of
strategy experts with zero
hiring fees!

Media Strategy resources
your biggest frustration?

If so, sign up today!

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Explore the new age of global
Media Strategy excellence
and cost savings.

Access media strategy that's
truly out of this world!

Sign up today.

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Press releases


November 30, 2023


If you’re a Media Strategist, a Media Agency decision-maker or an Advertiser, then this is for you. At long last, a platform that addresses three critical challenges facing the media industry, is here, giving media strategy its rightful, re-imagined place in the world.

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